FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Running

Running: relaxed arm movement is crucial

Stiff muscles in the upper arms on long runs? Tips and tricks for relaxed arm work.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

10 Tips for Better Cycling

Cycling is probably one of the most underestimated sports. A good cyclist with an economical pedaling motion is not a given, but the result of years of training. Even amateur cyclists should be aware of this fact. Here are 10 tips for better cycling.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Triathlon

Bike Fit Analysis

A good bike fit analysis is all about setting the athlete up perfectly for their training and/or competition requirements.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Running

Mountain Running Training

The most important points about mountain running training and four sample workouts to follow.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Tips for Your First Altitude Training

Are you embarking on an altitude training camp for the first time or training high above sea level? Keep the following factors in mind to ensure that the training has its desired effect.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Recovery

Why we often feel tired and weak

Tired, sluggish and unmotivated – many people often feel exhausted and powerless during the day. A feeling as if the batteries were empty. The reason: energy thieves. They lurk everywhere in everyday life and rob us of our last bit of energy.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Start the Cycling Season Smart

At the start of the season, you should have a lot of variation in your training. And not only the duration of training, but also the cadence and choice of gear ratio. This brings results!

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Endurance Run: the Basis of Running Training

The basic endurance run is often always completed in the same way, but still too slow to get faster. Here are some tips for a more variety to improve your training.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Recovery

How athletes interpret their body’s signals

Training in pain is a part of life for many athletes. How can and should an athlete recognize and assess pain?

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

A Good Warmup is Worth its Weight in Gold

Preparation maximizes performance – this is particularly true when it comes to warming up. But how should you warm up for a high-intensity session?