Targeted strength training is crucial in competitive sports, but it also has its place in health and fitness training. Opinions differ on the type of “correct” strength training. Should you use free weights or machines?

Targeted strength training is crucial in competitive sports, but it also has its place in health and fitness training. Opinions differ on the type of “correct” strength training. Should you use free weights or machines?
Most people are familiar with the basic rules of a healthy diet. However many people only partially follow these rules daily. Here are the most important points.
The long run is the foundation of running training for all runners. The fastest runners run their long endurance runs at a quick pace. But only experienced athletes should copy the best; for everyone else, the long run is long and slow.
Track workouts are uncompromising and beneficial. Despite GPS and other measuring techniques, kilometer times or average speeds outdoors are always a bit tricky because you also have to interpret the terrain. Training on the track is the remedy – it shows crystal clear how one’s own performance is doing.
Mountain bikers could become faster if they supplemented their training with road biking. At the same time, road cyclists often underestimate the benefits of using mountain bikes to improve their technical skills. Let’s explore in detail the differences and similarities between these two disciplines.
Tips & sample workouts to help you make quick progress when getting back into the indoor pool.
Only when you feel safe on your mountain bike can you enjoy biking. That’s why technical exercises are a crucial factor: you can ride more challenging tours, and in the race you save valuable seconds. The following exercises will help you develop the technical skills to ride safely and confidently.
Although you have consistently followed through with your training program over the last few months, are you in a complete hole and can’t get going again? What to do to get back into the swing of things?
Very few people are really aware of how many or, depending on the situation, how few kilocalories we burn every day and how much energy we need in the form of food. Although sport is an essential factor for effective weight control, it is often overestimated in terms of calorie consumption.
You hear about the “glide phase” again and again. What exactly is it all about? Which swimmers benefit, who is better off leaving it alone?