Cycling Running Triathlon

Aerobic and anaerobic training: what are the differences?

When it comes to endurance sports like running, cycling, and swimming, understanding the differences between aerobic and anaerobic training is crucial for optimizing performance and achieving fitness goals. Both types of training play distinct and complementary roles in improving overall fitness. Let’s explore the main characteristics of each type of training and how they apply to endurance sports.


Marathon Preparation: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

The marathon is one of the most challenging races, both physically and mentally. Careful preparation and regular training are essential for achieving good results. However, it’s easy to make mistakes along the way. For this reason, we want to share with you an article highlighting the 7 most common mistakes to avoid when preparing for a marathon.

Cycling Running

The most common injuries among runners and cyclists

Running and cycling are healthy. At least if you don’t overdo it. Excessive or incorrect exertion can also lead to physical problems. We have summarised the most common injuries and provide a few tips for prevention.


Running Exercises – Improving Running Technique

This article presents a series of fundamental coordination exercises to improve running technique, illustrated by our partner running.COACH.

Cycling Knowledge Base Running Triathlon

Maximize Your Performance with Effective Interval Training

Discover how interval training enhances your performance and why 2PEAK’s approach helps you achieve your training goals and push your limits.


Optimum Stride Frequency and Length when Running

There are different approaches to achieving the desired running goals. One key element is a well-balanced training program that harmonizes exertion and recovery. Running technique is equally important, particularly stride length and stride frequency, which often raise questions. It therefore makes sense to focus specifically on these aspects.

Cycling Recovery Running Swimming

Back on Track: 5 Tips for Resuming Training after Sickness

Engaging in sports such as cycling, triathlon, and running is an excellent way to maintain both physical and mental health. But what should athletes do when illness forces them to interrupt their regular training routine? Returning to physical activity after a period of illness requires attention and a gradual approach to ensure the well-being of the body. Here are five useful tips for safely resuming training.

2PEAK Functions Competition Cycling Running Triathlon

Find your Main Competition & Align the Training Accordingly

Planning your competition season early is more than just an organizational step – a large part of your training year will depend on deciding which competitions you want to compete in. Here you can learn how to find the right target competition and align your training accordingly.

Cycling Running Swimming Triathlon

Winter Clothing for Endurance Athletes

Winter can be a challenge for endurance athletes. However, with the right gear, you can continue to train outdoors safely, effectively, and “warmly”. In this article, we will look at clothing strategies for runners, cyclists, and triathletes during the winter season, so that fitness goals are not compromised by the temperatures.

Cycling Nutrition Running Triathlon

Tips for Maintaining Fitness and Weight during the Holiday Season

During the holidays, discipline in achieving and maintaining fitness goals is often put to the test. The abundant offering of delicious treats and festive temptations poses a challenge for most of us. Those who manage to find a good balance between indulgence and maintaining a healthy training routine during this time will benefit in the long term.