
Sudden drop in performance

Although you have consistently followed through with your training program over the last few months, are you in a complete hole and can’t get going again? What to do to get back into the swing of things?

Health Nutrition

Sport and weight control

Very few people are really aware of how many or, depending on the situation, how few kilocalories we burn every day and how much energy we need in the form of food. Although sport is an essential factor for effective weight control, it is often overestimated in terms of calorie consumption.


Sun Protection and Sport – 10 Expert Tips

Sports involve prolonged exposure to the sun, especially as summer approaches. How should you behave to avoid burning, and what are the specifics to consider when it comes to sunscreens? We asked Dr. Christian Surber (Doctor of Dermatopharmacology and Hospital Pharmacology) to clarify some aspects regarding sun protection and sport. These are the top 10 things to keep in mind when you go out in the sun.


Training in the Heat: 5 Important Tips

In the peak of summer it can be impossible to avoid the heat. Even the coldest time of day can be hot. Training in the heat can be uncomfortable but beneficial. Here are 5 of the most important things to consider while training in the heat.

Health Nutrition

Why we often feel tired and weak

Tired, sluggish and unmotivated – many people often feel exhausted and powerless during the day. A feeling as if the batteries were empty. The reason: energy thieves. They lurk everywhere in everyday life and rob us of our last bit of energy.

Health Triathlon

Sports Massage for Triathletes

A sports massage can give the athlete a boost before a competition or help them recover afterwards. Used regularly, it enhances performance.


How athletes interpret their body’s signals

Training in pain is a part of life for many athletes. How can and should an athlete recognize and assess pain?


A Good Warmup is Worth its Weight in Gold

Preparation maximizes performance – this is particularly true when it comes to warming up. But how should you warm up for a high-intensity session?


What are the benefits of stretching?

Whether and how stretching has a positive effect on athletes is controversially discussed. The Benefits of stretching are unclear. Sports physician Roberto Llano* explains the most important points.


Warming up and stretching before cross-country skiing

These exercises will help cross-country skiers not only to go longer, but also smoother and faster in the short term.