Proteins are necessary for very many tasks in the body and have a great importance for all athletes.
Protein for Endurance Athletes

Proteins are necessary for very many tasks in the body and have a great importance for all athletes.
Many endurance athletes today logically try to achieve more effective and economical breathing and an increase in the maximum respiratory minute volume (the amount of air exhaled and inhaled in one minute) by improving their breathing technique.
Winter means that many athletes are dealing with shorter days.. Not a happy day for runners, as the short days means that it becomes impossible for many to trot through the woods on picturesque single trails in daylight after work.
The ideal fat burning pace doesn’t mean the pace when you burn the most fat. Myth and facts about fat burning.
If you are aware of the most important drinking principles when doing sports in the cold, you will get by without difficulty even in winter.
Exercise is healthy and strengthens the body. But in the short term, the immune system is weakened after a hard workout and needs to recover. During this phase, the ‘window’ will be open and the immune system’s defences limited. That’s something to keep in mind.
You have not run on the treadmill before and would like to try it? Many runners like running outside but have little experience on a treadmill. You should consider the following tips on treadmill running for beginners.
Everyone is still talking about carbon shoes. What are the benefits of carbon shoes for me as a 2-h half marathon runner?
Cyclocross as winter training is an opportunity for all cyclists. The cyclocross bike develops riding skills that cyclists use across the board. The cyclocross bike is an ideal training tool off the asphalt.