Recovery Strength Training

Keeping Fit in the Low Season: Strategies for Triathletes and Cyclists

With the arrival of November and December, many endurance athletes are about to take a much-needed and well-deserved rest after a busy season of training and racing. It is essential to allow the body to regenerate without, however, completely compromising the fitness gained in the previous months. We explore alternative training approaches in triathlon and cycling to maintain physical condition during the off-season.

Intense recovery for sustained performance

The human body is not predisposed to sustain intense training and competition all year round. It is essential to take a deeper rest period at least once a year. Winter is the ideal time to do so, with few organized events and adverse weather conditions.

During the off-season, the primary goal is to allow the body to rest and, at the same time, prepare for success in the next sports season. This does not imply complete inactivity; on the contrary, it is advisable to use this period to practice alternative sports, experiment, strengthen yourself and focus on training weaknesses.

Learn more about proper recovery times in endurance sports in our blog article.

Here are some suggestions for alternative functional training for triathletes, cyclists and runners:

Alternative Functional Training

  • Swimming: For cyclists and runners, swimming is an excellent option to enrich their off-season routine. This practice not only offers a low-impact cardiovascular workout, but also involves several muscle groups. Focus on building endurance through targeted swimming sessions. Increasing VO2max is a key goal: swimming often can make you better at using oxygen during workouts, boosting your overall performance in aerobic activities. Also, dedicate time to perfecting your breathing technique.
  • Trail Running: Explore trails to change scenery and challenge your body in new ways. Trail running not only improves your balance, but also strengthens the stabilizing muscles that are essential for optimal performance in cycling and triathlon. Forget about speed and pace and focus instead on building mental determination, an invaluable ally for tackling challenges in the coming season! Alternatively, even a simple hike is a great way to switch off, and strengthen muscles and endurance, all while soaking in the beautiful autumn colours.
  • Leg training: Although cycling mainly involves the quadriceps, it is essential to strengthen all the muscles in the legs. Introduce exercises such as squats, lunges and presses to amplify overall leg power. This will not only improve cycling performance, but also ensure complete muscular balance.
  • Core strength: Incorporate planks, Russian twists and stability ball exercises to build a stable core and prevent possible muscle imbalances or injuries. Alternatively, rowing is an excellent complement to triathlon training, strengthening core muscles and bringing cardiovascular improvements. For those who do not have access to rowing, an indoor rowing machine is available in most gyms or can be purchased for home use.
  • Resistance training: Integrate resistance training by using elastic bands or weights to simulate the resistance encountered during water and cycling activities. This will help boost muscular strength and improve the specific resistance needed in triathlon disciplines.
  • Yoga: Enhances flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination. Not only does it help recovery and reduce the risk of injury, but it also promotes mental well-being and concentration, which are key aspects for endurance athletes.
  • Foam Rolling: Fight muscle stiffness and prevent injuries with regular foam rolling sessions. Focus on key areas such as the IT band, quadriceps and hamstrings.
  • Climbing: climbing involves a wide range of muscles throughout the body, making it an excellent complement to triathlon training. The pushing, pulling and lifting movements involved in climbing closely resemble aspects of resistance exercises, making it an effective strengthening activity. In addition, climbing stimulates cognitive functions. The balance and neuromuscular coordination required by this activity can improve mental acuity.
  • Racquet sports: tennis, squash, padel… Racquet sports can improve agility, mobility, concentration and decision-making, being useful in transitions during triathlons and in maintaining high performance during races. Improved flexibility and stability contribute to a stronger and more stable running posture. In addition, participating in these sports is a great way to switch off and have some fun with friends!


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