
Sport in the heat: which health risks need to be considered?

High temperatures can be stressful for the body, and in the worst case, they can lead to heat stroke. Therefore, it is essential to plan training sessions wisely and protect yourself as much as possible during competitions.


Multisport – how to benefit from training in another sport

Practicing alternative sports helps you learn new movement patterns, adds variety and reduces the risk of injury.

Nutrition Uncategorized

How to keep healthy routines during the holidays?

During the month of December, we tend to consume more food and drinks than usual. Also, during the holidays we tend to put aside our exercise routine to spend time with family and friends, devote more time to leisure and eat carelessly, which translates into a significant weight increase.


Long Term Health Impacts of Sticking to a Training Plan

Health is on everyone’s mid right now and for a good reason. Fortunately, an important part of your health lies entirely within your control. It is common knowledge that staying active keeps you healthy and helps fight against obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc. but exactly how much does it help? A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine explains.