Knowledge Base Nutrition

Fasting training and weight loss: Truths and Myths

Training on an empty stomach is often presented as a miracle cure for losing weight and increasing performance. But exercise on an empty stomach can only be effective if you do it the right way. Above all, you need to know your optimal intensity range. Many people exercise at too high an intensity. This training method is only moderately effective for losing fat deposits.

Knowledge Base Nutrition

Drinking tips for summer

What are the appropriate amounts to drink during endurance workouts in the summer and in the heat? The best tips.

FIT for LIFE Nutrition

Nutrition for Recovery

The foundation of successful training is a well-balanced combination of stress and recovery. Both can be influenced by nutrition.

Knowledge Base Nutrition

How to Hydrate in Competitions

How much should you drink during the race? When are carbohydrates in the drink useful? And which additives in the sports drink are useful or counterproductive?

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Nutrition

Nutrition during intense endurance exercise

Performance during a long physical effort is dependent not only on your training regimen, but also on whether or not you eat right.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Nutrition

Protein for Endurance Athletes

Proteins are necessary for very many tasks in the body and have a great importance for all athletes.

Knowledge Base Nutrition

Vitamin D for athletes

Always at winter time, the topic of vitamin D is hotly discussed. Vitamin D for athletes is especially a topic for discussion.  What you should know about vitamin D.

Nutrition Uncategorized

How to keep healthy routines during the holidays?

During the month of December, we tend to consume more food and drinks than usual. Also, during the holidays we tend to put aside our exercise routine to spend time with family and friends, devote more time to leisure and eat carelessly, which translates into a significant weight increase.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Nutrition

Principles of a balanced and healthy diet

Most people are familiar with the basic rules of a healthy diet. However many people only partially follow these rules daily. Here are the most important points.

FIT for LIFE Nutrition

Sport and weight control

Very few people are really aware of how many or, depending on the situation, how few kilocalories we burn every day and how much energy we need in the form of food. Although sport is an essential factor for effective weight control, it is often overestimated in terms of calorie consumption.