Competition Triathlon

Triathlon: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Triathlon is a sport that encompasses three disciplines: swimming, cycling, and running. If we consider nutrition, we can rightly see it as the fourth discipline. The vast majority of races take place outdoors, adding uncertainty regarding the aquatic environment, roads, and trails to follow. Triathlon is also a discovery of one’s limits. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, there are mistakes to avoid to ensure your triathlon goes as smoothly as possible!

Competition Triathlon

Tips for a Perfect Transition in Triathlon

In triathlon, the transition is often referred to as the “fourth discipline” alongside swimming, cycling, and running. This critical phase of the race, divided into T1 (swim-to-bike) and T2 (bike-to-run), can make the difference between a good and an extraordinary performance. A perfect transition is not only about speed but also strategy and precision. Here are some tips to optimize this crucial moment of the race.

Competition Running

Marathon Preparation: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

The marathon is one of the most challenging races, both physically and mentally. Careful preparation and regular training are essential for achieving good results. However, it’s easy to make mistakes along the way. For this reason, we want to share with you an article highlighting the 7 most common mistakes to avoid when preparing for a marathon.

2PEAK Competition

The last three weeks of training before a competition

In this article, we look at the period immediately before a race and show you how we adjust training at 2PEAK during this crucial phase.

2PEAK Competition

Find your Main Competition and Align the Training Accordingly

Planning your competition season early is more than just an organizational step – a large part of your training year will depend on deciding which competitions you want to compete in. Here you can learn how to find the right target competition and align your training accordingly.


7 tips to calm nerves before a race

Pre-race anxiety is a widespread feeling among athletes, regardless of experience or sport practiced. The combination of butterflies in the stomach, nervousness and excitement, combined with performance anxiety, usually occurs a few days before the event or at the starting line. There are several ways to manage stress and turn negative agitation into positive energy. Here are seven simple tips.

Competition Swimming Triathlon

Swimming starts in triathlon

When hundreds or even thousands of neoprene figures plunge into the water at the same time at the start of a triathlon, a lack of space and breath is guaranteed. Here are the best tips.

2PEAK Competition

How to plan your season with 2PEAK

2PEAK will always plan an optimal and dynamic training structure according to your needs. But by planning training days and races intelligently, you will support 2PEAK’s optimization efforts.

In order to schedule and execute training sessions in the most effective way, you must first set a goal. Defining a main race, along with preparation and training races, is the key for successful season planning. In this article we explain why and how to do it optimally on 2PEAK.

Competition Cycling

Training for Cycling Stage Races

In the Tour de France, professional cyclists ride day after day in a 21-stage race, showing incredible stamina and fitness. But stage races are not just for professionals, many are aimed at amateur athletes. Here is an explanation of how you should train for cycling stage races.

Competition Nutrition

How to Hydrate in Competitions

How much should you drink during the race? When are carbohydrates in the drink useful? And which additives in the sports drink are useful or counterproductive?