2PEAK Functions Competition Cycling Running Triathlon

Find your Main Competition & Align the Training Accordingly

Planning your competition season early is more than just an organizational step – a large part of your training year will depend on deciding which competitions you want to compete in. Here you can learn how to find the right target competition and align your training accordingly.

Competition Knowledge Base

7 tips to calm nerves before a race

Pre-race anxiety is a widespread feeling among athletes, regardless of experience or sport practiced. The combination of butterflies in the stomach, nervousness and excitement, combined with performance anxiety, usually occurs a few days before the event or at the starting line. There are several ways to manage stress and turn negative agitation into positive energy. Here are seven simple tips.

Competition FIT for LIFE Swimming Triathlon

Swimming starts in triathlon

When hundreds or even thousands of neoprene figures plunge into the water at the same time at the start of a triathlon, a lack of space and breath is guaranteed. Here are the best tips.

Competition Knowledge Base

How to plan your season

Your main races are the most important thing to determine what your training should be. Training and preparation races all lead to your main event. We show you how to plan your season and what a difference good planning makes.

Competition Knowledge Base

7 Mistakes in Goal Setting

No matter what level of athlete you are, setting goals is important. Setting a goal gives you something to reach for and a clear focus in training. Goals vary greatly between individuals but it is important for everyone to have them. However, many athletes make mistakes when setting their goals. Here are the 7 most common mistakes in goal setting and how to avoid them.

Competition Knowledge Base

How should you taper for a race?

Months of hard training are done and it is now only a couple weeks from the day of your main goal race. It is time to relax so you are fresh on race day. This is known as a taper. But what is tapering and why and how should you taper for a race?

Competition Knowledge Base

Relationship with Age and Race Performance

People participating in endurance sports tend to be older but what relationship does age have on race performance for these athletes? The peak age for endurance athletes is later than most people think and a new study shows what happens to your race speed after your peak years.

Competition Cycling Inspiration

Power data from the Tour de France

Here we will show you saved data streams of interesting stages. The biometric data has been acquired with an SRM powermeter integrated into a Cannondale Hollowgram crank ridden during stages of the ’05 and ’04 Tour de France.

Competition Inspiration Triathlon

Ironman Hawaii 2005 – Power data analysis

Unique insights into the ‘engines’ of pro triathletes. Data recorded during the IronMan cycling section using an SRM powermeter crankset.

Competition FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Faster in Competitions

Why are athletes better under pressure than alone? Every endurance athlete has had this experience. You train consistently and seriously for a competition. You can feel the work paying off and in top shape at some point. Even if there are perhaps a few weeks left until your main race, the “time trial” is now on the agenda as a benchmark. Marathon runners might complete a 20 kilometre session at maximum speed, cyclists do a solo time trial or a mountain they climbed already under racing conditions. And swimmers crawl 1000 to 1500 meters with the goal of being faster this time than they were a month ago.