2PEAK Health

Long Term Health Impacts of Sticking to a Training Plan

Health is on everyone’s mid right now and for a good reason. Fortunately, an important part of your health lies entirely within your control. It is common knowledge that staying active keeps you healthy and helps fight against obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc. but exactly how much does it help? A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine explains.

Health Nutrition

Sport and Body Weight

Whether an endurance athlete can perform well is also a question of physique and weight. How much more power does a low body weight bring?

Health Running

How to Deal with Rolled Ankles

Besides many health-promoting side effects, the running boom also has an impact on accident statistics. Today almost twice as many joggers have accidents as at the turn of the millennium. The ankle joint is the most frequently affected.


Sleeping problems for athletes

For athletes, enough sleep is important. About one quarter of the population suffers with sleep problems. What facts should athletes know?

Cycling Health

Neck Pain – What to do about annoying muscle tension?

For many amateur cyclists, The problem is not the competition, but muscle tension in their neck, which makes longer rides torture. Here are the best tips to fight neck problems.

Health Nutrition

What does nutrition science say about fasting training?

At the end of the 1970s at the latest, researchers began to study the metabolism during training after short-term fasting from a few hours to a day. Already the results of the early studies showed an increased fat burn and savings in muscle glycogen during such training. But does this also lead to a better (endurance) athletic performance?


Pros Performing Despite Coronavirus

In spring of 2020 everyone had their race schedules flipped upside down by the global pandemic. This affected the training of every endurance athlete that had races planned whether you are a professional or amateur athlete. The question is, will this change impact your performance and can you still have effective training without races? Well the Pros are returning to racing and answering this question now.


Endurance Sport and Recovery: The Crucial Stages of Regeneration

Success in sport is not only the result of effort, but also of the ability to recover properly. Strength lies in rest: only those who recover can perform at their best. Let’s find out together how recovery is the key to sporting success.


Effects of Training in Heat

Most dedicated athletes have to deal with training in the heat at some point during the year. Some athletes love it and others hate it, but no matter how you feel about the heat, it will affect you and your training. Here are the most notable effects of training in the heat and how you can get the most out of your training in high temperatures.


What to consider when returning to training after a long injury break

An injury during a preparation or competition phase can severely disrupt the course of the season and lead to a significant reduction in physical performance. The longer the rest phase lasts, the more time must be invested in reconstruction. However, once the physical and psychological setback has been overcome, many positive aspects of the development can be gained.