
Interview with Sebastian Kienle on Training in Fall and Winter

Training as the seasons change is always difficult to navigate and has is particularly difficult in this unique year. We caught up with IRONMAN world Champion Sebastian Kienle about how he is currently managing training and how us mortal amateurs should also train through these times.


Training out of the Saddle

Does it help if you ride standing up for a while every now and then during cycling training?


Which nutrients do athletes need?

In sports nutrition many half-truths circulate concerning supply recommendations for Vitamin mineral materials. Here is the opinion of nutrition expert Paolo Colombani.

Strength and Mobility

Faster Cross-country Skiing

If you want to cross-country ski faster, you have to increase the cadence from time to time during training. We show how.

Strength and Mobility

Cross-country Skiing Tips

The most important thing in cross-country skiing is a clever mix of different training contents. This is how you get in shape quickly and efficiently.


Cadence Training for Cyclists

A fast cadence training promises an improvement of your pedaling rotation and an optimized interaction of the different muscle groups.


The Optimal Cadence

New scientific studies show that there are individual optimal cadence settings for different riding situations.


What is the Optimal Tire Pressure

Are there any figures that show the best tire pressure for training and competition on a road bike without getting a flat tire? How hard are the tires of racing bikes inflated?

Health Running

How to Deal with Rolled Ankles

Besides many health-promoting side effects, the running boom also has an impact on accident statistics. Today almost twice as many joggers have accidents as at the turn of the millennium. The ankle joint is the most frequently affected.

2PEAK Running

2PEAK integration with Stryd

Power meters these days are synonymous with cycling training. But as many 2PEAK users already know, your running training can also benefit from accurately defined power zones. That is why 2PEAK is happy to announce you can integrate your 2PEAK training plan with the market leading running power meter Stryd.