2PEAK Running

2PEAK integration with Stryd

Power meters these days are synonymous with cycling training. But as many 2PEAK users already know, your running training can also benefit from accurately defined power zones. That is why 2PEAK is happy to announce you can integrate your 2PEAK training plan with the market leading running power meter Stryd.


Sleeping problems for athletes

For athletes, enough sleep is important. About one quarter of the population suffers with sleep problems. What facts should athletes know?

2PEAK Cycling Running Triathlon

5 Reasons to Follow a Training Plan

There are several aspects of a well organized training plan that make it a good training plan and following one will help you achieve your goals no matter how modest or ambitious they are. But why is this the case? Here are some of the best reasons to follow a training plan.


Pros Performing Despite Coronavirus

In spring of 2020 everyone had their race schedules flipped upside down by the global pandemic. This affected the training of every endurance athlete that had races planned whether you are a professional or amateur athlete. The question is, will this change impact your performance and can you still have effective training without races? Well the Pros are returning to racing and answering this question now.


Effects of Training in Heat

Most dedicated athletes have to deal with training in the heat at some point during the year. Some athletes love it and others hate it, but no matter how you feel about the heat, it will affect you and your training. Here are the most notable effects of training in the heat and how you can get the most out of your training in high temperatures.


What to consider when returning to training after a long injury break

An injury during a preparation or competition phase can severely disrupt the course of the season and lead to a significant reduction in physical performance. The longer the rest phase lasts, the more time must be invested in reconstruction. However, once the physical and psychological setback has been overcome, many positive aspects of the development can be gained.

Cycling Running

Why Interval Training is Useful

What is actually the difference between interval training and a multiple steady sessions at comparable intensities?


2PEAK Looks in to Sebastian Kienle 100K Results

2PEAK partner Sebastian Kienle wins the Social Distance Race Series 100K cycling race with his effort on Friday, May 8th of 2020.


Staying Motivated Through COVID-19

Your normal life and routine have completely changed. Your group or club workouts are canceled, gyms are closed, pools are closed, you are not allowed to meet with your training partners, and all the races you had planned are not occurring as usual with no clear answer to when normal racing will resume. However, this time will end and there are a few tricks to keep your focus and come out on the other side a better athlete.


Sebastian Kienle Races 2PEAK´s 100 km Cycling Social Distance Race Series Race

Now is your chance to see how you stack up against one of the world’s greatest endurance triathletes! The 2014 Ironman World Champion and 2PEAK training partner, Sebastian Kienle, in absence of other races will be hitting the road for a 100-kilometer cycling time trial as part of 2PEAK´s Social Distance Race Series. You can participate in this event free starting now through May 13th.