Cycling Knowledge Base Triathlon

Cadence Training for Cyclists

A fast cadence training promises an improvement of your pedaling rotation and an optimized interaction of the different muscle groups.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

The Optimal Cadence

New scientific studies show that there are individual optimal cadence settings for different riding situations.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

What is the Optimal Tire Pressure

Are there any figures that show the best tire pressure for training and competition on a road bike without getting a flat tire? How hard are the tires of racing bikes inflated?

2PEAK Functions Cycling Knowledge Base Running Triathlon

5 Reasons to Follow a Training Plan

There are several aspects of a well organized training plan that make it a good training plan and following one will help you achieve your goals no matter how modest or ambitious they are. But why is this the case? Here are some of the best reasons to follow a training plan.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Neck Pain – What to do about annoying muscle tension?

For many amateur cyclists, The problem is not the competition, but muscle tension in their neck, which makes longer rides torture. Here are the best tips to fight neck problems.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

See Five Sources of Neck Stress when Cycling

Here are 5 reasons why your neck may hurt.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Seven points for a comfortable cycling posture

Whether you are an experienced cyclist or a newcomer on two wheels, the right technique and posture on the bike can make a big difference. Here are some valuable tips to make your riding experience more comfortable and efficient. Learn how to optimize your posture, bike setup, and equipment to ride relaxed and without “slumping.”

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Triathlon

Watt Measurement in Cycling and Triathlon

Everyone talks about wattages. But which numbers are run by the best at big Ironman and bike races?

Cycling Inspiration Knowledge Base

2PEAK Looks in to Sebastian Kienle 100K Results

2PEAK partner Sebastian Kienle wins the Social Distance Race Series 100K cycling race with his effort on Friday, May 8th of 2020.

Cycling Inspiration Knowledge Base

Sebastian Kienle Races 2PEAK´s 100 km Cycling Social Distance Race Series Race

Now is your chance to see how you stack up against one of the world’s greatest endurance triathletes! The 2014 Ironman World Champion and 2PEAK training partner, Sebastian Kienle, in absence of other races will be hitting the road for a 100-kilometer cycling time trial as part of 2PEAK´s Social Distance Race Series. You can participate in this event free starting now through May 13th.