
Running: relaxed arm movement is crucial

Stiff muscles in the upper arms on long runs? Tips and tricks for relaxed arm work.


10 Tips for Better Cycling

Cycling is probably one of the most underestimated sports. A good cyclist with an economical pedaling motion is not a given, but the result of years of training. Even amateur cyclists should be aware of this fact. Here are 10 tips for better cycling.


Training in the Heat: 5 Important Tips

In the peak of summer it can be impossible to avoid the heat. Even the coldest time of day can be hot. Training in the heat can be uncomfortable but beneficial. Here are 5 of the most important things to consider while training in the heat.


Bike Fit Analysis

A good bike fit analysis is all about setting the athlete up perfectly for their training and/or competition requirements.


Mountain Running Training

How about a new training and competition goal? A mountain run, for example? Sounds mystical; and it is: the summit is the goal! We provide the most important points for mountain running training and four sample training sessions to follow.

2PEAK Cycling Running Triathlon

Planning a training camp

Have you ever attended a training camp? Do you know how long it should last and what to look out for? 2PEAK has a special training camp function that helps you get the most out of this intensive training period. We explain everything you need to know about training camps.


Tips for Your First Altitude Training

Are you embarking on an altitude training camp for the first time or training high above sea level? Keep the following factors in mind to ensure that the training has its desired effect.

Health Nutrition

Why we often feel tired and weak

Tired, sluggish and unmotivated – many people often feel exhausted and powerless during the day. A feeling as if the batteries were empty. The reason: energy thieves. They lurk everywhere in everyday life and rob us of our last bit of energy.


How Often Should You Run?

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or experienced runner, the million dollar question is how often should you run? The answer is, it depends. Unfortunately the answer is not as simple as a number of hours or days. Here are some tips on how to figure out what the right amount of training is for you.

The most popular

How often should you train?

Professional cyclists and triathletes are known to train up to more than 30 hours a week, but what is the right amount of training for us mere mortals? Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or experienced athlete, deciding how often to train can be challenging. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but regardless of experience, here are some key factors to consider when determining your training frequency.