Cycling Recovery Running Swimming

Back on Track: 5 Tips for Resuming Training after Sickness

Engaging in sports such as cycling, triathlon, and running is an excellent way to maintain both physical and mental health. But what should athletes do when illness forces them to interrupt their regular training routine? Returning to physical activity after a period of illness requires attention and a gradual approach to ensure the well-being of the body. Here are five useful tips for safely resuming training.

Recovery Strength Training

Keeping Fit in the Low Season: Strategies for Triathletes and Cyclists

With the arrival of November and December, many endurance athletes are about to take a much-needed and well-deserved rest after a busy season of training and racing. It is essential to allow the body to regenerate without, however, completely compromising the fitness gained in the previous months. We explore alternative training approaches in triathlon and cycling to maintain physical condition during the off-season.

Cycling Recovery Running Strength Training Swimming Triathlon

Plateau Effect: 7 Ways to Overcome Training Stagnation in Endurance Sports

You train constantly, follow your training plan and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but suddenly you feel like you are no longer progressing in your running, cycling or triathlon training. This situation can be frustrating, but this is a natural phenomenon in the world of sports. All endurance athletes, from beginners to professionals, experience sooner or later a phase of stagnation in their training, also known as the ‘Plateau Effect’. Here are seven effective strategies to overcome this annoying stall in your performance.

Knowledge Base Recovery

Muscle cramps: causes, symptoms and treatment

Muscle cramps are painful and often result from muscle overloading or dehydration. However, you can take measures to prevent and relieve these symptoms. Learn how to prevent muscle cramps and stay symptom-free.

Inspiration Knowledge Base Recovery

6 Tips for Training on Holiday

The racing season for many cyclists and triathletes often coincides with the summer holidays, and a complete break from training is not an option at this time. So how do you maintain your training during the holidays and preserve the hard-won fitness of the previous months? We have put together six tips to answer this question.

Knowledge Base Recovery

Exploiting the supercompensation phase

There is no progress in training without supercompensation. However, this can only be exploited with the right distance between training stimuli.

Knowledge Base Recovery Winter

5 ways to Boost your Immune System

During winter months, it is often hard to defend yourself against seasonal health problems. Colds, sore throats and flu are the most common and unwelcome guests. Yet there are various ways to strengthen the immune system and thus prevent illness. This article explains the importance of a strong immune system and suggests five measures that can help.

Knowledge Base Recovery

Training with a cold?

When training for a seasonal goal, a cold is rather inconvenient. But there is no point in sticking to a strict training plan. The body needs strength to cope with the infection. Symptoms such as tiredness and weakness must therefore be taken seriously. If you overdo it with your training, you risk serious consequences that require a longer break.

Knowledge Base Recovery

5 Ways to Speed Up Recovery

Training and getting better at sports is simply a matter of stimulating and even damaging muscles and then recovering. It is during recovery that you actually improve. So the natural question is: are there any ways to speed up recovery? Recovering will take time no matter what, but here are a few things you can do to maximize your recovery.

FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Recovery

Correct Amount of Recovery

How quickly the various systems in the body recover completely after a workout or competition varies greatly from individual to individual. Here are the factors you need to consider to get the correct amount of recovery in training.