Knowledge Base

Morning Training for Endurance Athletes: Benefits & Tips

Training in the morning offers numerous benefits for endurance athletes, such as cyclists and runners. Taking advantage of the cooler hours of the day can improve performance and maintain motivation, even during the hottest months of the year. Here’s why morning training is so beneficial and how to motivate yourself to make the most of it.

Cycling Knowledge Base Running Triathlon

Maximize Your Performance with Effective Interval Training

Discover how interval training enhances your performance and why 2PEAK’s approach helps you achieve your training goals and push your limits.

Cycling Knowledge Base

How to Improve Your Pedaling Technique!

Numerous studies have shown that an efficient and smooth pedaling motion can considerably reduce muscle fatigue and improve performance. However, such pedaling technique doesn’t come by chance but is the result of years of training. In this article, we present you with some helpful tips to enhance your pedaling technique.

Knowledge Base

Effects of endurance training on the heart

Endurance training is widely recognized for its positive effects on health and well-being. Specifically, its effects on the heart, both in terms of heart performance and biological structure, are of particular scientific interest. This article sheds light on the underlying mechanisms and the resulting benefits of regular endurance training on the heart.

Knowledge Base

Gift Ideas for Endurance Athletes

Whether for a birthday or Christmas, finding the perfect gift for a close friend or colleague passionate about running, cycling or swimming can be a real challenge. That’s why we thought to lend you a hand with some creative gift ideas that will surely make any endurance athlete’s heart beat faster.

Knowledge Base Recovery

Muscle cramps: causes, symptoms and treatment

Muscle cramps are painful and often result from muscle overloading or dehydration. However, you can take measures to prevent and relieve these symptoms. Learn how to prevent muscle cramps and stay symptom-free.

Cycling Knowledge Base Running

Sun protection and Outdoor sports: 10 Expert Tips

Running and cycling often involve prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in summer. But what is the best way to protect yourself from direct sunlight? In an interview with Prof. Dr. Christian Surber, we had the opportunity to clarify a few points on the subject of sun protection and exercise.

2PEAK Functions Knowledge Base

2PEAK App – the Statistics Page

The main task of 2PEAK is to optimally adapt your training to your individual needs. But in order to strengthen your personal motivation, we also offer you the possibility to analyse your workouts and to graphically illustrate the training effects. For this reason, we would now like to introduce you to the statistics and analysis page of our app.

Knowledge Base

Performance losses after training breaks: How quickly does performance drop?

Endurance athletes often face the apprehension of losing their hard-earned fitness during training breaks, whether chosen or involuntary. This concern is partly valid, as research suggests that a decline in fitness can occur after approximately two weeks without training. In this article, explore the concept of detraining, discover the factors that accelerate performance loss, and learn effective methods to mitigate its effects.

Knowledge Base

Heat and performance loss: how much do cyclists and triathletes lose?

Summer heat can put a significant strain on our bodies. This is because high temperatures make it harder to achieve training goals and pace targets, as we have to exert more physical effort. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the effects of summer heat on cycling and triathlon performance.