Strength Training Swimming Triathlon

Shoulder Strength Exercises

The article focuses on exercises to strengthen the shoulders, with a special focus on swimmers and triathletes. The explanatory videos included will provide practical demonstrations of targeted exercises to improve shoulder strength and endurance, essential for performance in the water.

Cycling Recovery Running Swimming

Back on Track: 5 Tips for Resuming Training after Sickness

Engaging in sports such as cycling, triathlon, and running is an excellent way to maintain both physical and mental health. But what should athletes do when illness forces them to interrupt their regular training routine? Returning to physical activity after a period of illness requires attention and a gradual approach to ensure the well-being of the body. Here are five useful tips for safely resuming training.

Cycling Running Swimming Triathlon

Winter Clothing for Endurance Athletes

Winter can be a challenge for endurance athletes. However, with the right gear, you can continue to train outdoors safely, effectively, and “warmly”. In this article, we will look at clothing strategies for runners, cyclists, and triathletes during the winter season, so that fitness goals are not compromised by the temperatures.

Cycling Recovery Running Strength Training Swimming Triathlon

Plateau Effect: 7 Ways to Overcome Training Stagnation in Endurance Sports

You train constantly, follow your training plan and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but suddenly you feel like you are no longer progressing in your running, cycling or triathlon training. This situation can be frustrating, but this is a natural phenomenon in the world of sports. All endurance athletes, from beginners to professionals, experience sooner or later a phase of stagnation in their training, also known as the ‘Plateau Effect’. Here are seven effective strategies to overcome this annoying stall in your performance.

Cycling Running Swimming Triathlon

5 Tips for Training Transition from Summer to Autumn

September marks the transition from summer to autumn, a critical phase for triathletes, cyclists and runners preparing for fall competitions. This phase often coincides with the peak of fitness before the target competition. In this article, we provide five valuable tips on how endurance athletes can best cope with this seasonal transition in their training.

Competition FIT for LIFE Swimming Triathlon

Swimming starts in triathlon

When hundreds or even thousands of neoprene figures plunge into the water at the same time at the start of a triathlon, a lack of space and breath is guaranteed. Here are the best tips.

Cycling Knowledge Base Running Swimming Triathlon

5 mistakes to avoid when defining training zones in triathlon and cycling

To achieve specific results and improve your sporting performance, it is best to know your training zones and then train in the appropriate zone. We show in this article the 5 most frequent mistakes when defining zones and give advice on how to avoid them.

2PEAK Functions Cycling Running Strength Training Swimming Triathlon

Strength training in endurance sports: how 2PEAK plans it in your schedule

Strength training can improve physical performance through targeted exercises on the muscles. Endurance training is complemented and supplemented by regular strength training, which increases performance levels and reduces the risk of injury. In this article, we examine the benefits of strength training in endurance sports and show you where to find suitable exercises.

Cycling Running Strength Training Swimming Triathlon Winter

Base Training in Endurance Sports

For endurance athletes, the winter season usually coincides with the so-called ‘base training’ phase. During this period, we work on the foundations of training in view of the planned main competition. In this article we describe what base training is, why it plays a key role in athletic preparation and how it is integrated by 2PEAK into the training plan.

2PEAK Functions Cycling Running Swimming

2PEAK Performance Test for Cycling, Running and Swimming

The aim of training is to improve performance. 2PEAK offers you several simple but effective methods to measure your fitness level under real conditions, to be repeated as often as necessary. Here is an overview of the main performance tests offered by 2PEAK for cycling, running and swimming.