Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Triathlon

Bike Fit Analysis

A good bike fit analysis is all about setting the athlete up perfectly for their training and/or competition requirements.

Cycling Knowledge Base Triathlon

How often should you train?

Professional cyclists and triathletes are known to train up to more than 30 hours a week, but what is the right amount of training for us mere mortals? Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or experienced athlete, deciding how often to train can be challenging. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but regardless of experience, here are some key factors to consider when determining your training frequency.

Competition Inspiration Triathlon

Ironman Hawaii 2005 – Power data analysis

Unique insights into the ‘engines’ of pro triathletes. Data recorded during the IronMan cycling section using an SRM powermeter crankset.

2PEAK Functions Knowledge Base Running Triathlon

Automatic Running Training Zones

2PEAK has a feature to automatically adjust your running training zones. Whether you train by speed, heart rate, or some other metric your training zones are individual to you and constantly changing based on your fitness. Now 2PEAK can automatically adjust your training zones based on your personal training.

Cycling Knowledge Base Triathlon

Do’s & Don’ts for Indoor Cycling Platforms

Indoor cycling and game platforms like Zwift come hand in hand these days. It makes training more fun and can be a valuable tool for all kinds of cyclists. They even have programmed workouts and “plans” to increase FTP etc. Here we explain how to best use these platforms in training.

Cycling Knowledge Base Triathlon

Cadence Training for Cyclists

A fast cadence training promises an improvement of your pedaling rotation and an optimized interaction of the different muscle groups.

2PEAK Functions Cycling Knowledge Base Running Triathlon

5 Reasons to Follow a Training Plan

There are several aspects of a well organized training plan that make it a good training plan and following one will help you achieve your goals no matter how modest or ambitious they are. But why is this the case? Here are some of the best reasons to follow a training plan.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Triathlon

Watt Measurement in Cycling and Triathlon

Everyone talks about wattages. But which numbers are run by the best at big Ironman and bike races?