Nutrition Running

How can I lose weight by running?

Some do it for aesthetic reasons, some for health reasons – losing weight. Especially in spring, people try to get rid of some extra kilos. Can running help? Yes, if you follow some simple rules!

Health Nutrition

A Strong Immune System = More Power

In the late fall and winter, the risk of catching a viral infection increases substantially. Sports in cold weather, rooms with forced air heating, and coughing and sniffling people are just a couple of the contributing factors during this time of year. While, in the long run, regular aerobic exercise strengthens your immune system, in the short term, long or difficult workouts weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to infections. With the following behavior and nutrition tips, you’ll help to keep yourself healthy throughout the winter.

Competition Swimming Triathlon

Triathlon/Ironman: How to handle the mass start

Good preparation, proper equipment and the right tricks before a mass start are decisive for the outcome of the race. These are the most important points.

2PEAK Competition

Adding Races in 2PEAK

Your individual and dynamic training plan revolves around your goals and planned competitions. Based on this competition planning framework, the daily training programme is created and continuously developed according to your performance and progress. A sensible planning of the main and preparatory competitions is therefore of great importance. The following article describes how these can be entered into the system.


Lactate – Myths and Facts

Lactate is often seen as the main performance-limiting factor, but this has long since been scientifically proven wrong. 2PEAK clarifies the facts about this substance and its role in performance diagnostics.

2PEAK Cycling

The importance of Training with Power (Watt)

It is common for athletes to define their fitness by average speed. However, since speed depends on a number of external factors in both running and cycling, an objective value is needed to give a meaningful indication of fitness level: power.


5 Ways 2PEAK Will Help You Reach Your Goal

The Internet is full of different training plans with just as many training philosophies. At 2PEAK, hard facts are the basis of your plan and a daily tailor-made training is the focus. There is only one optimal plan for you and your life situation – we want to find it. We outlined below using five 2PEAK functions that help us do this.


When is it an Interval?

2PEAK offers you a unique tool to auto-detect your interval efforts and if they fit the designated criteria, will highlight and classify them as intervals.


2PEAK Smart Training

Smart Training is meant to help you, to work on your deficits and to get you to your individual, optimal form.


The science behind 2PEAK’s 3D Model

2PEAK training planning is based on state of the art science and therefore takes into account the latest findings in performance physiology. We will show you how endurance performance is delineated and classified on a scientific basis. In further articles we will show how these scientific facts influence modern training planning and how, thanks to the newest knowledge, you can increase your performance quicker and more specifically.