Practicing alternative sports helps you learn new movement patterns, adds variety and reduces the risk of injury.
You train constantly, follow your training plan and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but suddenly you feel like you are no longer progressing in your running, cycling or triathlon training. This situation can be frustrating, but this is a natural phenomenon in the world of sports. All endurance athletes, from beginners to professionals, experience sooner or later a phase of stagnation in their training, also known as the ‘Plateau Effect’. Here are seven effective strategies to overcome this annoying stall in your performance.
September marks the transition from summer to autumn, a critical phase for triathletes, cyclists and runners preparing for fall competitions. This phase often coincides with the peak of fitness before the target competition. In this article, we provide five valuable tips on how endurance athletes can best cope with this seasonal transition in their training.
The 2PEAK weekly schedule serves as the main tool for planning and managing your training time. In this article we show you 3 special features of your weekly calendar.
Multisport in 2PEAK – that’s how it works
Training in different sports has proven positive effects on general health and individual performance. 2PEAK helps you to optimally integrate training in different disciplines into your daily training routine. In this article, you will learn how to adjust your training plan to multisport.
What should a sports drink contain? How many grams of salt per litre? How much should be drunk before and during a competition? In this article we answer the most important questions about drinking in relation to endurance sports.
Here are five tasty, nutrient-rich options for the hottest summer days that will boost your performance and recovery process. From revitalising watermelon to rich Greek yoghurt, find out how to optimise your nutrition during the warmer months to make the most of your summer workouts, whether you’re a cyclist, triathlete or runner!
Enjoying a delicious ice cream on a hot summer day is undoubtedly a true pleasure. But afterward, the question often arises: how long should I actually run or cycle to burn off the calories of this refreshing treat? In this blog post, we explore this question and look at both running and cycling to give you some insights into the world of calorie burning.
Muscle cramps are painful and often result from muscle overloading or dehydration. However, you can take measures to prevent and relieve these symptoms. Learn how to prevent muscle cramps and stay symptom-free.
Running and cycling often involve prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in summer. But what is the best way to protect yourself from direct sunlight? In an interview with Prof. Dr. Christian Surber, we had the opportunity to clarify a few points on the subject of sun protection and exercise.