Cycling Knowledge Base

Improve Your Pedalling Technique

Professional cyclists in the peloton of major races seem to have such a smooth pedal stroke. Ambitious amateurs often ask themselves if this is the secret to their success and if so how can you improve your pedalling technique? Training your pedalling technique might allow you to produce more power, but the answer is more complicated than that.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Winter

Cyclocross as winter training

Cyclocross as winter training is an opportunity for all cyclists. The cyclocross bike develops riding skills that cyclists use across the board. The cyclocross bike is an ideal training tool off the asphalt.

Cycling Injury Knowledge Base Triathlon

Painkiller use in cyclists and triathletes: a health risk that should not be underestimated

Quite a few athletes take painkillers either to suppress existing pain or as a preventive measure to avoid feeling pain during a competition. However, uncontrolled use poses a significant health risk.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Mountain Bike versus Road Bike

Mountain bikers could become faster if they supplemented their training with road biking. At the same time, road cyclists often underestimate the benefits of using mountain bikes to improve their technical skills. Let’s explore in detail the differences and similarities between these two disciplines.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Biking Technique

Only when you feel safe on your mountain bike can you enjoy biking. That’s why technical exercises are a crucial factor: you can ride more challenging tours, and in the race you save valuable seconds. The following exercises will help you develop the technical skills to ride safely and confidently.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

10 Tips for Better Cycling

Cycling is probably one of the most underestimated sports. A good cyclist with an economical pedaling motion is not a given, but the result of years of training. Even amateur cyclists should be aware of this fact. Here are 10 tips for better cycling.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base Triathlon

Bike Fit Analysis

A good bike fit analysis is all about setting the athlete up perfectly for their training and/or competition requirements.

Cycling Knowledge Base Triathlon

How often should you train?

Professional cyclists and triathletes are known to train up to more than 30 hours a week, but what is the right amount of training for us mere mortals? Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or experienced athlete, deciding how often to train can be challenging. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but regardless of experience, here are some key factors to consider when determining your training frequency.

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Start the Cycling Season Smart

At the start of the season, you should have a lot of variation in your training. And not only the duration of training, but also the cadence and choice of gear ratio. This brings results!

Cycling FIT for LIFE Knowledge Base

Cycling in Spring

Spring is time to get back to cycling. Warmer temperatures are an invitation to go on long rides, preferably with a lot of elevation gain. Here are the best tips.