It really is nice and cozy to just hang around in front of the fireplace all day and have a loaded plate with Mom’s cookies and a big cup of Grandma’s hot chocolate in front of you. Just looking at all of those chocolates… No longer the plates but rather the stomachs are gonna be fully loaded. All of a sudden it doesn’t seem too cozy but rather scary. Ever wondered if you can explode of too much gingerbread?
2PEAK has a lot of different features to offer and sometimes, especially in the beginning, it can definitely feel over whelming. But trust us, behind each and every button on our webpage, a lot of effort and thought has been invested. A really cool feature that we have and that you should definitely check out are our tags. When you document your training and you click on the “show advanced options”, a list of different factors that all play into your training appears.
Race Recovery
After a race there’s always two aspects to be analysed. How is your body (physical aspect) and how’s the head (psychological aspect) dealing with the ups and downs and the fight with ourselves? It’s normal and a good stimulus for us to not always be 100% happy with how a race went. Because there’s always at least one thing that could be optimised. Important is, that we can use this to learn and improve ourselves for the next big day.
Below you will find a comprehensive list of swimming glossaries.
© Copyright: Gunther Frank, Koordinative Fähigkeiten im Schwimmen (Coordinative Proficiency in Schwimming) 2002
Periodisation of carbohydrate intake in endurance sports – a possibility to efficiently enhance performance and to burn fat.
Working out indoors is not the most pleasant thing for most cyclists. But engaging in it allows for very specific and effective workouts.
Training camps are good, because all you have to do is concentrate on one thing which is training, okay and eating. But that’s about it. Nothing else to worry about, no bad weather mood, no stress. Just training. However nobody goes into a training camp alone. You either sign up for one or you make up your own with your training buddies.
Do you need a break in training in Autumn or Winter? What can you do to begin the next season at a higher level? You have probably asked yourself similar questions. 2PEAK has the answers, which might surprise you but which are tried and tested.
By training in thin high altitude air, top athletes strive for peak performance. 2PEAK presents a summary of methods and experience of altitude training.
Musculature is an important performance-limiting factor in endurance sport. Read on, to see how you can train your musculature optimally.